Modifying the response body of an `httputil.ReverseProxy` response

I'm currently working with the maintainer of the beautiful sql-studio to make it possible to serve the application from a subpath, which would allow me to add support for running sql-studio as dependency-management-data's web interface. As part of some investigations around this,...

(GNU) Emacs wants personal customization in practice

Go 1.23 gets another step closer

#​512 — June 25, 2024 Unsub  |  Web Version ✈️ I've produced this issue a day early due to being en-route to the AI Engineer World's Fair, so any last minute news may be missed. If you're there, come and say hi, but you can also watch from afar thro...

Shameless green: TDD in Go

Building software is easy when we’re guided by tests, because we can start with quick-and-dirty solutions, without worrying about whether the code is elegant and readable—yet. Let’s see how to use the TDD technique called “Shameless Green”.

Ep. 1: Enhancing Your Go Projects with Generative AI: Exploring LLMs

Introduction: Welcome to the first episode of our “Intro to Generative A.I” series! In this episode, Daniel dives into the intriguing world of large language models (LLMs), providing a comprehensive understanding of how these powerful tools work and their practical ap...

Ep. 7: Building Resilient Go Applications: Key Error Handling Techniques

Introduction: Going into more detail on error handling, Bill provides a comprehensive overview of effective strategies and best practices for Go developers. By exploring the nuances of error management, he equips developers with the tools needed to write more reliable and maintai...

A pragmatic guide to Go module updates

I thought I would share some quick bits about how to do go.mod version bumps.

Go's 'range over functions' iterators and avoiding iteration errors

A quick Go quiz

#​511 — June 18, 2024 Unsub  |  Web Version Go Weekly Why People are 'Angry' Over Go 1.23 Iterators — ‘Angry’ feels overstated to us, but there’s been a lot of robust debate about Go’s proposed new iterator helpers (see the...

Ep. 6: GoRoutines and Error Handling: Essential Techniques for Software Engineers

Introduction: Continue the dive into the complexities of Go’s concurrency model in this segment of the “Ultimate Software Design” series, where Bill shares essential techniques for managing GoRoutines. Here are three fresh takeaways: Understand the critical role...